Stanbic IBTC – Promoting development goals through educational empowerment

Every country’s future is its younger generation, and one of the most critical investments
remains the quality of education provided for them. Nigeria faces immense challenges in
providing citizens with access to quality education. This scenario has primarily impacted the
ability of many students to receive proper education that will prepare them for the leadership
tasks ahead.Sst

Furthermore, inadequate digital literacy and technological integration have left numerous
students ill-equipped for the modern world. This was manifestly evident in Nigeria’s last Unified
Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), which is now computer-based. According to the
statistics from the 2024 results, out of 1,904,189 candidates who sat for the exams, 1,402,490
(73.7 per cent) students scored below 200 (50 per cent of the score line).

Understanding the situation and the magnitude of the challenge, which necessitates
collaborative efforts from various sectors, including the private sector, to achieve meaningful
progress, Stanbic IBTC Holdings has emerged as a beacon of hope through its ‘Adopt-A-School’
initiative structured by its Social, Environmental, and Economic (SEE) framework.

Stanbic IBTC embarked on this laudable mission to complement the government’s efforts to
upgrade educational facilities, foster digital literacy, and provide a conducive learning
environment for students, ultimately contributing to the nation’s developmental goals.


Through this initiative, Stanbic IBTC adopted four schools (with more to join) in Borno, Akwa
Ibom, Sokoto, and Ekiti States; renovating classrooms, providing essential classroom furniture,
and installing modern computer laboratories. Additionally, the company has invested in
recreational facilities, tree-planting efforts, and sustainable construction practices; promoting
physical activity, environmental sustainability, and climate resilience.

The scope of the ‘Adopt-A-School’ initiative is comprehensive; addressing various aspects of the
educational ecosystem. From renovating classrooms and administrative offices to providing
essential classroom furniture, Stanbic IBTC has ensured students and faculty have access to
comfortable and conducive learning environments. Moreover, installing computer laboratories
fosters digital literacy; thereby equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in an
increasingly tech-driven world.

Recognising the importance of holistic development, Stanbic IBTC has also invested in
recreational facilities, creating playgrounds and optimising play areas to promote physical
activity and overall well-being. Furthermore, the initiative extends beyond the confines of the
school, with tree-planting efforts aimed at combating climate change, promoting biodiversity,
and improving air quality in the surrounding communities.


Stanbic IBTC further showcased its commitment to sustainable construction practices by
prioritising passive cooling and ventilation techniques, water conservation through rainwater
harvesting, construction of water-efficient plumbing systems, and installing energy-efficient
appliances and lighting solutions in the facilities. The company also prioritised the sustainable
use of local resources to minimise emissions from transportation and support local economies.
Skills development was integral, with the deployment and training of local artisans for ongoing
infrastructure maintenance. It further integrated climate-adaptive landscaping, ensuring
resilience against climate change.

The Adopt-A-School programme has a far-reaching impact, benefiting the 81,000 students
directly enrolled in the adopted schools and the broader communities.

Stanbic IBTC’s efforts align seamlessly with the government’s developmental policies and the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) initiatives, reinforcing the importance of
education, environmental awareness, and protection as a catalyst for social and economic

The programme is a shining example of a corporate initiative that directly supports the United
Nations’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which aims to “ensure inclusive and
equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The project’s delivery through direct labour further aligns with the SDG, which aims to
“substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including
technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship by 2030.

Indeed, Stanbic IBTC’s Adopt-A-School initiative has ventured beyond merely providing
educational resources; its holistic approach empowers communities, promotes sustainable
development, creates jobs and nurtures the next generation of leaders.

As the company continues to lead the way in its contribution as a responsible corporate citizen
in support of public sector efforts, the impact is expected to help change the narrative in the
educational sector and provide a surer footing for the leaders of tomorrow to tackle the
leadership tasks that lie ahead of them, this will ensure that Nigeria is not relegated from the
league of development and advancement in all indices of growth.