UNCTAD set to release World Investment Report 2017

UNCTAD chief, Mukhisa Kituyi

The contents of this press release and the related Report must not be quoted or summarised in the print, broadcast or electronic media before
7 June 2017, 17:00 GMT.

(1 PM New York, 19:00 Geneva, 22:30 Delhi,
02:00 – 8 June 2017 Tokyo)

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New data and projections on the state of global foreign direct investment for 2017

Geneva, 29 May 2016 – What are the most attractive countries for foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2017? Which countries performed the best for FDI in 2016? How can countries adapt to digital technologies that are radically changing global investment trends? These are some of the questions that are explored in UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2017, titled ‘Investment and the Digital Economy’.

The World Investment Report monitors international business activity in a number of areas and presents the most up-to-date detailed trends and prospects on foreign direct investment at a global, regional and country level. This year’s report investigates the impact of digital technologies on international production and the operations of multinational enterprises. The report also presents a new top 100, ranking digital multinational enterprises and their international production footprint.

Join UNCTAD for an Online Press Conference on this issue and learn about the latest World Investment Report data from experts.

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After the lifting of the embargo, documents related to the report will be available on the main UNCTAD website.

For further information or to request interviews with UNCTAD experts, please contact the UNCTAD Press Office (+41 22 917 5828/5549/5166, unctadpress@unctad.org).

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